Dream Wheels

親愛的想我嗎 ^_^

恭喜你 ! 當你來到這裡時.請不要懷疑.你已經中了樂透了!一定是相當的開心喔!

訝異的想說!!!我真的這麼幸運嗎 ^_^ ! 這問題就讓我來回答你 , 幸運之神一直都在你身邊.不覺得一切事情都很得心應手嗎 ! 肯定自我 , 我對你又信心的 ! 這就是你想要的東西 . 真的!!!

Dream Wheels




  • Dream Wheels

    • 簡介

      Champion bull-rider Joe Willie Wolfchild is about to become the All-Round Cowboy when a devastating accident at the National Finals destroys his chances of ever doing rodeo again. His body and ambitions in tatters, he retires to the panoramic family ranch, Wolfcreek, to mend.Claire Hartley series of disastrous relationships leave her battered and inhibited. Her frustrated fifteen-year-old son Aiden finds himself increasingly drawn towards trouble on the streets. When a friend sends Claire and Aiden to the Wolfchild ranch, the Ojibway-Sioux cowboy, the single mother and her son find their lives changed forever.Aiden and Joe Willie have more than a little in common, including a natural predisposition for the saddle. After a rocky start, they strike a deal: Aiden will help Joe Willie to repair his ?4 Ford V8 pickup if the former champion teaches the city kid how to ride a bull. While Aiden is learning that rodeo demands a cowboy do more than just ride, Joe Willie grandmother and Sioux mother teach Claire about the native traditions that sustain them.In Dream Wheels, Wagamese rewrites the history of the American cowboy. In taut, muscular prose, grounded by a poetic sensibility that opens up the vast landscapes of the west, Wagamese explores the restorative properties of independence, self-determination, and the cultural traditions that connect us to the past.


    規格:21.6*14*0 cm


  • 作者:Wagamese, Richard

  • 出版社:Milkweed Editions

  • 出版日:2016/4/12

  • ISBN:9781571311177

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Dream Wheels


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