Into the War

Into the War

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Into the War

最近逛街的時候在店面看到Into the War心裡覺得很心動! 但是我有想到

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還在PTT詢問過其它網友的結果 .網友的心得分享一致推薦本商品.,以及推薦Into the War) 在那裡買才是最便宜!

Into the War商品網址如下:




  • Into the War

    • 簡介

      The three short stories of Into the War, set in Italy in the summer of 1940, draw on Italo Calvino own memories of the Second World War. Through the eyes of adolescent narrators, these stories record the buildup of Mussolini Fascist Youth forces, the looting of an occupied French town, and the experiences of reluctant conscripts in the Italian army. Appearing here in its first English translation, Into the War is one of Calvino only works of autobiographical fiction, and it offers not only a glimpse of this writer extraordinary life, but also a snapshot of Calvino developing literary style at an early point in his career.


    規格:20.3*13.5*0 cm


  • 作者:Calvino, Italo, McLaughlin, Martin (TRN)

  • 出版社:Mariner Books

  • 出版日:2014/9/16

  • ISBN:9780544146389

  • 語言:英文

  • 裝訂:平裝

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀

Into the War


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